Namespace CounterStrikeSharp.API.Core
- CVariant
Placeholder for CVariant
A lot of entity outputs do not use this value
- CoreConfig
Configuration related to the Core API.
- FunctionReference
Represents a reference to a function that can be called from native code.
- IPlugin
Interface which every CounterStrikeSharp plugin must implement. Module will be created with parameterless constructor and then Load method will be called.
- IPluginConfig<T>
An interface that describes a plugin configuration.
- IPluginServiceCollection<T>
Represents a service collection configuration for a plugin.
- FunctionLifetime
Describes the lifetime of a function reference.
- HookMode
Specifies the hook mode.
- HookResult
Represents the result of a hook.
- Listeners.CheckTransmit
Called when checking transmit on entities.
- Listeners.OnClientAuthorized
Called when a client has been authorized by Steam.
- Listeners.OnClientConnect
Called when a client connects to the server.
- Listeners.OnClientConnected
Called when a client connects to the server.
- Listeners.OnClientDisconnect
Called when a client disconnects from the server.
- Listeners.OnClientDisconnectPost
Called after a client has disconnected from the server.
- Listeners.OnClientPutInServer
Called when a client is entering the game.
- Listeners.OnClientVoice
Called when a client transmits voice data
- Listeners.OnEntityCreated
Called when an entity is created.
- Listeners.OnEntityDeleted
Called when an entity is deleted.
- Listeners.OnEntityParentChanged
Called when an entity's parent is changed.
- Listeners.OnEntitySpawned
Called when an entity is spawned.
- Listeners.OnGameServerSteamAPIActivated
Called when the Steam API is activated.
- Listeners.OnGameServerSteamAPIDeactivated
Called when the Steam API is deactivated.
- Listeners.OnHostNameChanged
Called when the server has changed hostname.
- Listeners.OnMapEnd
Called when the current map is about to end.
- Listeners.OnMapStart
Called when a new map is loaded.
- Listeners.OnServerHibernationUpdate
Called when the server is updating the hibernation state.
- Listeners.OnServerPreFatalShutdown
Called before the server enters fatal shutdown.
- Listeners.OnServerPreWorldUpdate
Called before the world updates. This seems to be called even when the server is hibernating.
- Listeners.OnServerPrecacheResources
Called when the server precaching resources (only when initial startup / changing map).
- Listeners.OnTick
Called on every server tick (64 per second). This handler should avoid containing expensive operations.
- Listeners.OnUpdateWhenNotInGame
Called when the server is in a loading stage.